Tuesday 11 May 2010

Evaluation. Q7

Looking back at the preliminary task, what do you think you have learnt from the progression from it to the full task?

From before our preliminary task, when none of us had any experience of filming or editing, to the end of our film, in which we edited and used many intricate programs, mentioned in the previous question, I think we have made huge progress. We took the different angles we used and expanded on them,whilst adding in new and exciting effects, sounds and concepts such as fade scenes and the 180 degree rule. During filming of the Preliminary task, we discovered new techniques of filming, for example using a tripod (useful for tracking shots), having the camera handheld (useful to induce fear and tension), and using a steady cam( To keep the camera perfectly level), to keep the camera perfectly in line with the scene. We took our camera work to another level, using hand held cameras to help our first scene look more shocking and tense. We learnt during filming that it was imperative that we use all the time available to discover new ways of filming, and new effects we could add to the film.

We developed our idea throughout the process, adding in a voiceover to the original script. We also used music - making programs with ease by the end of the film, making it easier for us to make new and innovative ideas using the effects at our disposal. We learned how to use these effects, camera angles, diegetic sound and light all to help us, and how they could be used in several different ways. For example, we used cuts of one of the characters sitting looking distressed, mixing them up to give an image that suggested the passing of time, with a poem - style voiceover giving a small but informative insight into what has resulted in the figure being a depressed, tired young man. The film shows the stereotypes of teenagers, and how they can be violent, but also shows how stress can build without anyone knowing, and how people can end up dead without families or friends knowing anything is wrong.

We also took advice from other groups in our media set, to get input from the people our film was aimed at, teenagers. This was helpful as it was directly relating to the film's audience. We took on this advice and listened carefully to feedback, and acted on it, ending up with a very plausible storyline. The idea progressed throughout, taking influence from other horror films and techniques of presenting them along the way. A big thing for us was the discovery of 'Motion'. Using this application, we managed to make our animated logo move, and also the credits of the film.

To conclude, I will say that I think all of us have learnt a lot from the experience , and it has been a very enjoyable one. We have learnt to film, edit, use technical applications and techniques such as voice overs to improve our product and had a lot of fun doing so.

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