Tuesday 11 May 2010

Evaluation. Q4

Who would be the audience for your media product?

We would say that our product aims to appeal to teenagers and young men between the ages of 16 - 24, as it concerns teenagers and is a film of horror genre. However, the sub plot of threatening messages, depression and fear may interest those with a taste for cult films. The twist that it occurs during daylight may also attract those wanting a bit more than straight out violence. People who would watch our product would be those looking for a thrill with a tinge of mystery, so in that way it occupies quite a niche market. However, the quite typical idea of a chase could also make it potentially popular to the masses. We are in quite a unique position with our product, as it is both mystery and thriller. We have the mystery element which intrigues older, more philosophical film viewers, and we have younger, more action - crazy viewers who would enjoy the excitement of the tense music and the chase scene.

We would say that our film could be shown at both independent and chain cinemas, as it uses several different concepts that overlap the two styles of film. For example, it is a typical chase scene, as many Hollywood blockbuster films begin, however we use naturalistic filming styles such as handheld, have mise en scene of a normal Mancunian area, and naturalistic lighting, which could mean that it could be shown in independent 'art - house' cinemas. We would hope that we could attract quite a large fan base from this film, as it has a main storyline, of violence and threats, with a sub plot running through it, of depression and anger. I would hope that people would see the film as less of a violent chase, but a story of tragedy, based more on mental insecurity. This may make our product more appealing the older, 'poirot' generation, as this film is a modern take on mystery horrors, and could appeal to the original detective drama fan base.

We aimed to show that violence always has more than one side, and the victims are not always those who are blameless. We show, through the use of the voice over, that the victim knows he deserves the threats, but he is fearful for his life. The emotion on the victim's face shown in the phone's reflection shows that he knows that what he has done is serious, so this film may also be appealing to those who appreciate mystery and thriller films. We aim for a mass audience, as Horror films are almost universally popular. People aim to be scared by horror films, and I would hope that our product attempts to do just that. Our product will hopefully be appealing to many different social groups, such as teenagers and younger people, for the direct link that they share with the film, older people, for the mystery and sub plots that the film includes, and people who like independent style films, as this film has many of the characteristics needed to be such.

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