Tuesday 11 May 2010

Evaluation. Q2

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Our film heavily features teenagers, a social sterotype in modern times. In a way we indulge these sterotypes, with violence and 'attitude' being key themes running through the clip, however we also see the bravery and strength of teenagers, and how will to live can be a powerful force. We also see the lack of communication between the threatened character and anyone else, a common problem with teenagers of today. He simply uses instinct and tries to escape. This shows that teenagers need to be helped and guided by adults, as otherwise they may go off the rails and do something stupid. Our film also acts as representing adults and parents in a negative way, as none of them even know what is going on. We see that the main character feels alone, depressed and scared, and although this is a fictional situation, many people in similar situations are in reality sitting in houses, or on park benches all over the world feeling just as alone as our character, just as upset and just as scared.

We try to represent as many people as possible, for example, the mise en scene of a run down house, normal looking clothes, normal houses and cars show that our film represents working class people, and that we aren't American Millionaire producers, rather common British people. Our cast is made up of Caucasian teenage males, so we are representing normal teenage views and problems in our film. We use the mise en scene to also help reinforce the image that the film is reality, and is a situation that is actually taking place. If we had used a rich estate, i think the mood of the film would have been much less effective. We use a common area to help our genre and storyline take hold with the audience, and make it seem real.

We represent people with depression, and those who are paranoid, as when our character receives the threatening text message, he tells no one, ask no one for help, and his only thought is to escape. We show that people act irrationally in these kind of situations, and that people are always unpredictable, as everyone believes our character is fine, right up until he attempts to leave, and I don't think even he knows where he is intending to go, or even what he is trying to escape. We also represent people who believe that you should not stand for being threatened, and should tell someone who is in a position to help.

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