Tuesday 11 May 2010

Evaluation. Q6

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

During the process of making the film clip, we learnt vast amounts about using cameras and several other pieces of equipment. First of all, we learnt how to turn on the camera, attach a battery and insert a tape. This simple information helped us start our filming. We learnt how to record, play back and pause, as well as how to log and capture our filming. Starting on our preliminary task, we made a simple film clip using a camera and tripod. We immediately entered in a tracking shot, before switching the position of the camera and employing over the shoulder shots and close ups. We then used the editing software, pretty blindly at first, until we got to grips with the process. We formed a film without a backing track or many effects, as it was quite soon into the section. However, we managed to capture all our film pretty much without problem.

For the filming, we used a video camera and a tripod, as it gave us greater mobility over the camera and allowed us to create different angles with greater ease. We used a microphone for both the voiceover and the Director's commentary, giving us much clearer sound quality, and several props, such as a bike and police tape, to help increase the mise en scene of a real - life chase scene. We made use of an abandoned, run - down house to symbolise an abandoned, run - down life, that of the victim in the product.

We used 'Final Cut Pro' editing software to edit all the film we took, using 'Motion' to help improve our logos and credits, and used 'Garageband'for the several effects and backing tracks in the clip. We learnt how to convert Final Cut documents into quicktime films, and discovered how to compress them into MPEG - 4 files, to reduce the memory the files take up. The technology also extended to using screengrabs from the film and converting them into still images, explaining the parts of the film step by step. These are the most effective shots in the clip to signify what our product is all about, as we took screenshots of the biker, runner, the area surrounding the chase scene and other key elements of the film. We also produced an effective voice over for use in the film clip, by using a microphone and camera, logging and capturing it, before removing the film to leave us with just the required sound.

We also used the technique mentioned previously to create a director's commentary. We recorded analysis of what we had done in terms of the film, such as shots, effects and music, and how we had edited to take only the best shots in terms of what we wished to create for the viewer. We left out some shots, as they didn't create what we wanted in terms of establishing the film's genre and style. We used only the shots that summed up best what were were trying to achieve.

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