Tuesday 11 May 2010

Evaluation. Q3

What kind of media institution would distribute your media product and why?

I think that independant film companies would be the most likely to market this product, as a low - budget horror/mystery movie. Films such as Shaun of the Dead and Billy Elliot, made by Britain's lowest budget film producers' 'Working Title' smaller section, 'WT2', are made using similar circumstances, using limited resources with a small budget. Another, named 'The Last independant film production company', has produced a few independant films, such as 'Waiting in Rhyme', 'Expresso' and 'Night walk' and would be the most likely avenue in which to distribute our product. We would expect that a British company would be the one to produce our product, as our film is fundamentally not an expensive Hollywood blockbuster, rather using simple filming and editing techniques to create a straightforward yet extremely effective film.

We would, however, consider approaching bigger film production companies such as 'Warner Brothers', 'Paramount' and 'Universal' to produce our film, as we think that our product has a key element of what a Blockbuster needs, the storyline that film - goers know and love, that of a chase. Film - goers love action in a film, and also like mystery. In this way, we capture a huge demographic, in terms of mystery and horror film lovers. Our film is appealing to many different groups of people, so it may be likely that a large film production company such as 'Universal' may be interested in producing our product. We tried to make sure while filming and editing, that we didn't exclude any groups that could and would appreciate our film.

We make use of the fact that our cast are teenage, and that young people will be able to relate easily to the situation of receiving unwanted messages, or other forms of communication. Nowadays most teenagers have at least one form of communication, whether mobile phone, social networking sites, or other messaging applications, and many people will be able to relate to being cyber - threatened. The sad fact is many people may have received death threats and we say to these people through our film that trying to run away is simply not the right thing to do. We aim to tell viewers that anyone experiencing something similar should talk to friends, family or other people in a position to help them, and not try to deal with situations such as this one on your own.

Our film also has some of the key characteristics of films that are shown in Blockbuster chain cinemas, such as the fact that it is a typical Hollywood chase scene, with the twist that it takes place in daytime. Our film is typically British, half of the film taking place in a normal looking room, the other half, in a park with an abandoned house. These ideas are naturalistic, with especially the abandoned house being something used to good effect in previous horror films, ie 'Saw', and 'The Shining'. When we filmed the clip, we tried to make sure that we left some information hidden, so it gives the viewer that extra sense of complete ignorance to what is going to happen, which in our view makes the outcome more exciting.

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