Wednesday 24 March 2010

Shot List

At the beginning of the film, we use the presentation of a threatening text message as an introduction to the storyline. There is an effective shot where we can see David's reflection, and it shows the expression of fear on his face. We then have a scene made up on cuts of shots of David looking extremely distressed, which again reinforces the idea that he is in a lot of trouble, which is also shown through the use of a voiceover.
The shots we have decided to use are mainly mid-shots for the bike scene as David rides past the camera a number of times. We will use the same shots for Paul's role as he runs past each camera angle.
Long-shots will be used to show David riding into the abandoned house, and Paul following him.
We will also use a long-shot when capturing the crime scene area with the police tape.
Close-ups will be used throughout the filming process.
We used tracking shots to follow David and Paul as they make their way along the route we decided to use.


We also watch the 'Pedal' video to help us decide on shots we could use when filming the bike. There are various ways to record a moving bike, different angles, close-ups and mid-shots. We have taken into account the different effects have on the scene. This is a documentary - style video, and took into use many of the shots and themes that we were attempting to recreate in our video. They used many items of equipment similar to ours, including a fairly simplistic video camera, and fixed gear bicycles.


Monday 22 March 2010

Shaun of the dead.

The three of us watched this trailer as we all thought it was a great movie, after watching this we decided to respond to it, using a chase sequence. We used a wide variety of angles and special effects, such as heavy breathing and a heartbeat to emphasise the fear, tension and physical strain in the video. We also implemented some dark, eerie music to complement the feel of the whole piece. The opening to Shaun of the dead is light, with the main characters being shown in the pub,and this is similar to our beginning, as we show a boy riding his bike, quite innocently, until the effects come in and we show that he is being chased.