Wednesday 10 February 2010

Evaluation Of Preliminary task.

My group and I learned many valuable skills in editing and camera work during the preliminary task, these skills include various camera angles and how to productively assemble and dissemble the camera during filming. we also began to edit our short film with various tools on Final Cut, such as; slow motion, frame cuts and how to add audio tracks.

Well during the filming and editing we got all of required shots and we were able to film quiet swiftly, there was also a lot of fun involved, David and guy were talking about humorous topics and it was rather enjoyable.
We could defiantly have improved the editing and been a little more adventurous however we felt that due to the content of the film not much editing was needed, however to learn the skills we really should have done more.

During the filming we performed a shot reverse shot, the camera was behind David whilst he was talking to Guy, this adds a personal, conversational touch. I then took the camera around the other side and filmed the conversation from behind Guy at shoulder height.

Preliminary task

In the opening scene, we showed a typical pair of college students, relaxing on a bench. We used low angle shots to show power, with high angle shot being used to emphasise weakness. Eye line matches emphasised emotion on the boys' faces, and their physical features, with POV shots also used to emphasise this. Wide shots (establishing shots)were used to show the backdrop of the scene, and establish the film’s genre. In our Preliminary task we showed how matched shots and the 180 degree rule can be executed, through the use of camerawork.

The Usual Suspects

The opening sequence was quite slow and very descriptive, the cast listings appear as the camera slowly moves over a shot of dark water, and small streams of light are visible. This, along with the eerie music which is playing as the scene progresses,
builds suspense and the sense of something dangerous about to happen. The mise en scene sets the atmosphere extremely well, as we see the gangster's dark clothing, connoting danger, and his face is not shown. This creates suspense, and an unsettling fear of the character. We also have the diegetic sound of the man urinating on the flames, showing his intelligence and calm in the face of death. His speech is slow, and deliberate, and every word connotes power and danger. The victim in the shot knows that his death is imminent, and is brave, showing the power of Human courage. We then hear two gunshots that signal the man's death.
This Scene is violent, and gives a good indication of what is to come in the film.

Monday 1 February 2010
